Turbo pizza

More about this downloadable game

About Build a successful restaurant franchise through Turbo service, a warm atmosphere, and by making the best pizza in town. About


50 challenging levels.
Set up shop in 2 locations.
Earn money to buy new items.


  • Category: Restaurant   
  • Game size: 22.04 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600mhz or faster processor
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 19 July 2007


About Turbo pizza

About  Rebecca and Robert are on a quest to build a successful restaurant franchise! In Turbo Pizza, you have full control over their pizza destiny. Decide when its right to purchase new appliances, better menu options, or put resources behind developing Rebecca and Roberts skills. Save enough money to open a second location in an even MORE unique setting. Meet your customers needs and word of mouth will bring the masses. Remember though, different customers have different needs.  About

  • Turbo pizza

  • Turbo pizza

  • Turbo pizza

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