Bob the builder - can do zoo

More about this downloadable game

About Join Bob`s Can-Do team and help build a new Zoo so all the animals in town can have a place to live. About


Build homes for the animals.
Put it together and paint it.
Award-winning kids game!


  • Category: Building   
  • Game size: 45.07 Mo
  • System: Windows vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600 mhz
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 1 January 2008


About Bob the builder - can do zoo

About  Bob and his Can-Do team have a big job ahead - to build a brand new Zoo where lots of exotic animals will live - but they need your help! There`s lots of work ahead, building pens, setting up fences, and don`t forget to paint what you just built! Join the Can-Do team now and help Bob finish his biggest job ever. Can we do it? Yes we can!  About

  • Bob the builder - can do zoo

  • Bob the builder - can do zoo

  • Bob the builder - can do zoo

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