All-time sudoku

More about this downloadable game

About Arrange numbers on the game board so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row, column and 3x3 block. Sound easy? About


6 degrees of difficulty.
5 background settings.
Print your puzzles.


  • Category: Sudoku   
  • Game size: 10.56 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600mhz or faster processor
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 25 January 2007


About All-time sudoku

About  Logic skills are the name of the game here. Arrange the numbers 1 through 9 in each row, column, and 3x3 block. It starts out easy, but you will find the challenges grow as the game progresses. It's the most popular puzzle for a reason! Not a numbers person? Try the puzzle using card or color symbols instead.  About

  • All-time sudoku

  • All-time sudoku

  • All-time sudoku

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