Incrediball the seven sapphires

More about this downloadable game

About Travel the world, collecting ancient treasures along the way, as you try to unravel the mystery of a lost civilization. About


13 powerups for special weapons.
7 worldly locations.
Hidden gold and jewels.


  • Category: Arcade & Action   
  • Game size: 11.41 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600mhz or faster processor
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 24 February 2006

All categories

Arcade & Action


About Incrediball the seven sapphires

About  Travel the world, from the Far East to the deep, dark jungle and beyond, collecting ancient treasures along the way as you try to unravel the mystery of a lost civilization. Keep your mind focused and your senses alert as you break bricks, wield special weapons, and try to save the world! 13 different powerups can be used for special weapons.  About

  • Incrediball the seven sapphires

  • Incrediball the seven sapphires

  • Incrediball the seven sapphires

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