Mythic marbles

More about this downloadable game

About Embark on a great quest to become the marbles champion! Master the game and you may become the master of the Empire! About


7 power ups!
Collect 12 amazing marbles.
Play 100 games of marbles.


  • Category: IQ Stumpers   
  • Game size: 16.61 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600 mhz
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 7 August 2007

All categories

Puzzle IQ Stumpers


About Mythic marbles

About  Embark on a great quest to build your skills and become a master of marbles. Gain recognition by seeking out competition with the greatest marble players throughout the empire. In marbles, a bright mind and cool temper aid masterful victory. Compete against the most revered men of the ancient era. Earn their advice, wisdom and marbles as tokens of success. Be sure to have Mount Olympus on your side because the challenge against your final opponent will alter the course of your life!  About

  • Mythic marbles

  • Mythic marbles

  • Mythic marbles

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