Nancy drew: shadow at the waters edge

More about this downloadable game

About Uncover a secret that lies beneath the surface of a traditional ryokan! Stop the terrifying ghost before it has its revenge! About


Incredible storyline
Fantastic gameplay
Confront terrifying secrets!
Get the strategy guide!


  • Category: Nancy Drew   
  • Game size: 957.92 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/vista/8   
  • Fréquence: 1.0 ghz
  • Memory: 256 Mo

Release date

Release date : 20 July 2011


About Nancy drew: shadow at the waters edge

About  Nancy Drew heads for Japan where she’s staying at a traditional ryokan (inn) for a little RnR with Bess and George, but when reports of a vengeful ghost start scaring away the guests, Nancy’s vacation takes a turn for terror! It’ll be up to you, as Nancy Drew, to uncover the secret that lies beneath the surface, before the ghost can take its revenge in Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge!  About

  • Nancy drew: shadow at the waters edge

  • Nancy drew: shadow at the waters edge

  • Nancy drew: shadow at the waters edge

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