Ashes of immortality

More about this downloadable game

About Mankind lives in terror as creatures of the darkness plague the continent. Travel this dangerous world, making unlikely allies and facing invincible foes in this exciting Role Playing Game. About


Beautifuly composed soundtrack
Compelling yet humorous storyline
Many side-quests to complete


  • Category: RPG   
  • Game size: 72.41 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/windows vista/windows 7/8   
  • Fréquence: 1.2 ghz
  • Memory: 1024 Mo

Release date

Release date : 1 November 2012

All categories

Adventure Strategy Fantasy RPG


About Ashes of immortality

About  Mankind lives in terror as creatures of the darkness plague the continent. This is Ruthven, a world where Hunters, Vampires and Werewolves fight to determine which species shall prevail. Join the Hunter, Simona Rinoldt, on a quest of discovery and revelation. What begins as a simple mission to free a small town from evil quickly turns into much more. Simona must travel a dangerous world, making unlikely allies and facing invincible foes in the exciting Role Playing Game, Ashes of Immortality.  About

  • Ashes of immortality

  • Ashes of immortality

  • Ashes of immortality

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