Spa mania

More about this downloadable game

About Help Jade reach her dream of owning an earth friendly spa by servicing guests in this Time Management blitz. About


Time management challenge
Customize jade`s look
Earn upgrades
Run a 5-star spa!


  • Category: Felix's Favorites   
  • Game size: 37.93 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600 mhz
  • Memory: 256 Mo

Release date

Release date : 12 July 2008


About Spa mania

About  Jade is an animal rights activist petitioning the cosmetics industry. After being challenged by Madame Dubois, a beauty industry empress, Jade dreams of starting her own earth friendly spa. To do this, she must first learn the ropes and deliver 5-star service in San Francisco. Use your Time Management skills to please guests with massages, facials, mud masks, and more. Use profits for things like ginseng tea and other upgrades. Can you manage the Spa Mania and indulge needy patrons?  About

  • Spa mania

  • Spa mania

  • Spa mania

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