Zodiac tower

More about this downloadable game

About Become an astrologer and take a long trip to the edge of the world in this original puzzle adventure. About


More than 100 levels.
2 gameplay modes.
10 mechanism parts to uncover.


  • Category: IQ Stumpers   
  • Game size: 12.62 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600mhz or faster processor
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 8 January 2007

All categories

Puzzle IQ Stumpers


About Zodiac tower

About  Explore the ancient Zodiac Tower and solve its puzzles in this original adventure. You will be able to become an astrologer by taking a long trip to the edge of the world, a place where the tower holds sacred knowledge and wisdom. Rumor has it that there are parts of a mysterious ancient mechanism hidden somewhere that will allow people to travel to the moon and distant stars. Can you find them?  About

  • Zodiac tower

  • Zodiac tower

  • Zodiac tower

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