Create a mall

More about this downloadable game

About Become a mall developer by creating exciting malls with great stores. Upgrade these stores to attract customers and earn money! About


Intuitive gameplay
Customizable outfits
Create a mall to succeed!


  • Category: Building   
  • Game size: 24.03 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 2.0 ghz
  • Memory: 512 Mo

Release date

Release date : 3 August 2009


About Create a mall

About  Become a world-class mall developer by designing and creating exciting malls with hip and exciting stores. Upgrade these stores to attract new customers, earn more money, and purchase the most fashionable clothing, jewelry, and office decorations around! Hire workers, and build new stores to keep your clientele happy. Create A Mall in this fun and fast-paced Time Management game to climb your way to the top and become a mall mogul!  About

  • Create a mall

  • Create a mall

  • Create a mall

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