Diego`s safari adventure

More about this downloadable game

About Join Diego and Baby Jaguar on safari as they set out to break the spell on the elephants, helping other animals along the way! About


Play rescue mini-games!
Protect the animals.
Play music with juma!
Take a jurassic trip in diego`s dinosaur adventure


  • Category: Dora The Explorer   
  • Game size: 48.98 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600 mhz
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 25 November 2007


About Diego`s safari adventure

About  Jambo! Diego, Alicia and Baby Jaguar are visiting their friend Juma in Africa. Juma tells them the story of the elephants and how, once upon a time, the mean Magician turned them into rocks with her Magic Wand. Join Diego, Alicia and Baby Jaguar on an adventure to find the drum on top of the Tallest Mountain that will break the elephants` spell. You`ll also help out other animals along the way!  About

  • Diego`s safari adventure

  • Diego`s safari adventure

  • Diego`s safari adventure

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