Dreams from the past

More about this downloadable game

About As darkness falls, strange dreams from the past haunt Dianne. Help her uncover the hidden secret that lies within her dreams and unravel a love story that’s lost within time. About


Immersive atmosphere
Tricky mini-games
Uncover the hidden secret!


  • Category: Seek & Find   
  • Game size: 199.36 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/windows vista/windows 7/8   
  • Fréquence: 1.6 ghz
  • Memory: 768 Mo

Release date

Release date : 27 September 2012


About Dreams from the past

About  Uncover a dark hidden secret in Dreams from the Past! Dianne, a photographer from New York, has a secret. As darkness falls, strange dreams from the past haunt her. It starts with the same reoccurring dream where a couple is torn apart. Who are the people in the dreams and what mystery do they hold? Use your hidden object and puzzling skills to help Dianne find out and unravel a love story that is lost within time!  About

  • Dreams from the past

  • Dreams from the past

  • Dreams from the past

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